We're very happy and very proud to be representing France in the World of WearableArt (WOW) Awards Show, for the second year in a row.
A huge thank to the French Embassy in NZ for their amazing support and this great interview.
We're looking forward to meeting all the designers in Wellington and admiring all the creations on stage !
Good luck, and see you there ! 🙌
---- [ FR ] -----
Nous sommes très heureux et très fiers de représenter la France dans le concours du World of WearableArt 2019, pour la deuxième année consécutive.
Un immense merci à l'Ambassade de France en Nouvelle-Zélande pour leur incroyable soutien et leur interview.
Nous avons hâte de rencontrer les designers à Wellington et d'admirer les créations défiler sur scène !
Merci à vous, et bonne chance à tous !
Do not miss MEET AND GREET @ Wellington !

We're very happy to announce that Marine Arnoul, CEO and Creative director of Martian Agency, will give a talk and show exclusive work insights, backstage and collaborations.
SAVE THE DATE ! Friday 27th september 9:00 am
Read about the event here.
A huge thank to the Alliance Française for their very kind welcoming !
We're looking forward to seeing you in Wellington !